Exploring 5 of metro Detroit’s greatest record shops with Kirby Glover

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Detroit music fanatic Kirby GloverPerhaps it was an unfair question. Okay, it was 100 percent an unfair question. When we asked Kirby Glover to name her favorite Detroit record that she owns on vinyl — oh, the pain in her voice. You could hear her mentally thumb through her enormous vinyl collection, one that’s somewhere near 1,000 records — and growing. On this particular day, at that particular moment, Kirby settled on Detroit Revolution(s), a.k.a. Revo, from Clear Soul Forces. But ask her later in the day and it could be something completely different.

Kirby Glover is a musichead. She loves a wide range of artists, genres, and eras, a fact that’s surely represented in her sizable collection. If you’re half the fan of music that she is, chances are you’ve been in the same local record shops or have attended the same local concerts — and maybe even at the same time. Her concert photography has been published in outlets like the Detroit News and she’s a fixture of Detroit’s music community.

Last week, Kirby took us on a tour of Detroit as part of our Model D Explorer Series, showcasing some local record shops but also some scenes from the BlkoutWalls Mural Festival, a favorite restaurant or two, and more. We spoke with Kirby Glover about her love for music, and especially vinyl. Later, she lists five of her favorite independently-owned record shops — though there’s surely more that she could add to that list, too.

Model D: When did your love of music begin?

Kirby Glover: When I was a kid, my parents gave me this children’s 45 record player. It was awesome. And I still can't find this record, but it was Alvin and the Chipmunks singing “Aquarius.” There’s a record that I cannot find. But my parents have always been really into music, so that was my thing. It just became bigger. I can't leave my house without my headphones. It has always been my thing. It's relaxing.

Old records, new books, and new shoes have this really distinct smell. And I just love it. My parents got me into music, for sure, for sure.

Model D: And how about collecting vinyl?

Kirby: It was something that I've picked up because — you see, what had happened was, it was something that I've picked up kind of happenstance: getting a gift for someone else, and then just having DJ friends and being able to go through their collections. They were like, “Hey, you got this CD? I've got the record.” So then I started picking up records, and then going to the record store, just because. That had to be somewhere around 2008. And then I fell down the rabbit hole and I haven’t stopped since.

Model D: Since then, you've collected something like 1,000 records?

Kirby: I haven't counted. But I would say I got close to that. I'm definitely in the hundreds. I would say, close to maybe 1,000 — I tried to count when I got home and I gave up. It’s hard to say because I already have records in the mail. There’s more on the way right now.

Model D: Nowadays with Spotify and all the different streamers, what do you think it is about collecting vinyl that makes it so special?

Kirby: It’s tangible. It’s tangible music. Digital can do spatial audio now, and all of that goodness — and it sounds nice. But it’s something about the sound of a record and just being able to go — I’m old school. Like, yeah, I have audiobooks, but I still want to touch books. It’s the motion of pulling this one out and putting this one on and being able to drop the needle on a record with the perfect song that you want to hear; it’s a special thing. You can’t do that with anything else. And I’m a snob. I'm not gonna lie.

I’m a snob. I will stream your stuff but if you want me to buy it, it has to be on vinyl.

Kirby Glover’s Top 5 locally-owned record stores

Peoples Records
1464 Gratiot Ave.
(Located inside Trinosophes)
Detroit, Mich.

“Peoples: Dusty grooves, great prices.”

Street Corner Music
26020 Greenfield Rd.
Oak Park, Mich.

“Newer hip hop. Good selection. Also great prices.”

Hello Records
4165 Fort St.
Lincoln Park, Mich.

A note about Hello Records: Since closing their original Corktown location, the shop has announced a new storefront in Lincoln Park. It’s expected to open by late summer/early fall at the aforementioned address.

“I wanted to include Hello because I found one of my favorite records on Discogs and they were nice enough to hold it for me.”

Dearborn Music
22501 Michigan Ave.
Dearborn, Mich.

“Dearborn Music has everything and their pop selection is outstanding. And on Record Store Day? Phenomenal.”

Trax ‘n Wax
26535 Harper Ave.
St. Clair Shores, Mich.

“They ordered everything for Record Store Day and their dollar bins are great. Record Store Day can take all my money.”

Find Model D on Instagram at @modeldmedia. And be sure to follow Kirby Glover at @kphresh84 for an inside look at the Detroit music scene.

Read more articles by MJ Galbraith.

MJ Galbraith is Model D's development news editor. Follow him on Twitter @mikegalbraith.
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