Nonprofit Journal Project

Feature Story Grandma B reads the SWAP signs on the she helping her choose the healthiest food

Food pantry focuses on immigrants

Feature Story Allie Zeff, Executive Director of Detroit Jews for Justice

Jewish community advocates for social justice

Feature Story Dr. Chanel Hampton, CEO and founder of Strategic Community Partners

Giving the community influence and power

Feature Story Hafiza Khalique, Board Chair for Detroit Area Youth Uniting Michigan

Youth-led Detroit group calls for justice

Nonprofit leaders across southeast Michigan will contribute their thoughts via journal entries on how this unique confluence of events (COVID, vaccinations, climate change, racial justice, etc.) is affecting their organizations and the nonprofit sector.

The stories and journals will narrate through nonprofit leaders and capture the impact and vitality that these organizations bring to their communities as well as their journey during these unprecedented times.

This series is made possible with the generous support of our partners, the Michigan Nonprofit Association and Co.act Detroit.