Nicole Adams Photography opens new studio in Russell Industrial Center

The Russell Industrial Center is just the next logical step for Nicole Adams' business – Nicole Adams Photography.

The East side resident is a self-taught photographer. She has been developing and growing her business from her home for the last decade, focusing on things like portraits, weddings and events. She needed more and more professioal space, however. "I was just ready to take my business to the next level," Adams says.

She is paying about $650 a month on a month-to-month lease for 1,500 square feet. That same price would get her only 500 square feet elsewhere in Metro Detroit and at least a year-long lease. Adams says she enjoys the old industrial feel of the Russell Industrial Center and the new economy enthusiasm from the hundreds of small businesses that call it home.

Source: Nicole Adams, owner of Nicole Adams Photography
Writer: Jon Zemke
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