Hygienic Dress League antiheroes' chilling city portraits

Pairing anonymity-creating gas masks with the expensive suits, fur coats and boardroom tables of corporate America, the Hygienic Dress League is many things at once -- a licensed corporation that produces nothing but its own logo, an art project with murals and signs across the city, and a continuous discussion on the roles of marketing and branding in American culture.

They're also the stars of a new Public Pool exhibit, running through Oct. 22, entitled "Portraits of the Hygienic Dress League," which was shot by founders Steve and Dorota Coy, Scott Hocking, Gregory Holm, Dave Krieger, Nicola Kuperus and Tom Stoye. You'll find these art antiheroes posing in streets, by the river, in factory yards and old houses -- truly a one-of-a-kind slide show. We know one thing -- this city's never looked quite so sinister.

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