Detroit Agriculture Network shows off Detroit’s best gardens

The Detroit Agriculture Network (DAN) is hosting the annual Garden Tour on August 10th, 2005. The guided bus tour is an opportunity to share gardens with neighbors from all around Metro Detroit.  Visits are arranged to some old favorites as well as some new gardens.  The hard work, creativity and dedication of Detroit gardeners will be at its best display during this tour.

"Over the last two years, The Detroit Agriculture Network, Greening of  Detroit, Michigan State University Extension, and EarthWorks Garden at  Capuchin Soup Kitchen have been working diligently to provide resources and education to Detroit's urban gardeners. The annual Detroit Agriculture Network Garden Tour is an opportunity to see all of our hard work pay off as well as to share it with the rest of the world" said Ashley Atkinson of The Greening of Detroit.

Community and backyard gardens play an important role in the City of Detroit.  They provide thousands of pounds of nutritious produce for Detroit families and they improve communities by connecting neighbors, providing an alternative to vacant lots, reducing crime and improving property values.

The tour leaves from the 4H Community Center, 5710 McClellan at 5:30 on August 10th and will last approximately 2 hours. The tour will be followed by a community potluck at 4H.

- Source:  Based on information provided by Ashley Atkinson, Project Manager, The Greening of Detroit

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