More Midtown retail: International Gift Gallery on E. Kirby

With a corporate buyout in hand, Gloria Adebayo took the plunge into owning a small business in Detroit. Her shop, International Gift Gallery, carries unique goods from around the world -- befitting its location inside the International Institute.

International Gift Gallery carries "inspired hand-crafted accessories and artwork," says Adebayo. Examples include scarves from India, garments from Senegal, a Mexican chair, Russian boxes, Polish artifacts and antique Nigerian baskets, as well as local pottery, paintings and jewelry.

Adebayo discovered her space because her daughter had ballet classes at the Institute. "I saw a small shop -- not really a shop, more like a dollar store," she says. "I sat there thinking, 'No one ever comes in here!' " She worked with the Institute's director to make her vision a reality, spending months cleaning, arranging and stocking.

Adebayo recently attended the University Cultural Center Association's annual meeting and realized there was a lot going on in the area around her. "I was amazed at everything going on here in Midtown," she says. "I feel certain I am in the right place at the right time."

International Gift Gallery is open from 10 a.m. through 5 p.m., although Adebayo will stay open later for evening events at the Institute.

Source: Gloria Adebayo, International Gift Gallery
Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh

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