Urban Neighborhoods Initiative begins targeted park planning in Southwest Detroit

Urban Neighborhoods Initiative, formerly Neighborhood Centers, Inc., has a new name that better explains its purpose: to create healthy urban neighborhoods.

The organization coalesced 10 years ago to develop a neighborhood center in the Springwells Village area of Southwest Detroit. Over the years, it has evolved to provide programming at its center and at schools and to redevelop five parks. The name change reflects this broader purpose.

Next up: the creation of a comprehensive development design for Springwells Village, in collaboration with other neighborhood organizations, and the identification of ten parks in Southwest Detroit to target with improvements. UNI is looking for greenspaces in which investing "would have significant impact on the development of youth in the neighborhood and the development of real estate in the neighborhood," says UNI's executive director Dennis Nordmoe.

Source: Dennis Nordmoe, UNI
Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh

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