'Bought In Detroit' site gets blog love

Curious Feet catches on to the web site "Bought In Detroit," a space to post things that are, well, you probably get the picture. Anyway, a good statement comes from the write up of the Detroit site and it really sums up one of the aspects of living in the city: "Living in Detroit is about developing a new skill set around knowing where to get things."


Gotta love this simple, elegant, positive solution to a city's image problem: Bought in Detroit

There is a widespread perception that "You can't get anything in Detroit." There is a near-total lack of national chain stores in the actual city of Detroit, but that doesn't mean there aren't places to shop. The availability and quality of goods varies widely by neighborhood–some areas truly are the stereotypical resource ghetto, while others have options that make you wonder why you'd ever waste your time at an overpriced, prepackaged, mass market big box. (Why did I ever pay for bread that wasn't fresh baked from the baker?) Most areas fall somewhere in between.

Living in Detroit is about developing a new skill set around knowing where to get things. It is here, if you know where to look. Honestly, it's a pretty fun skill set to develop, since it involves exploring the city, visiting independent businesses, and asking locals questions about their town.

Read the entire article here.
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