Does America's long-term responsibility lie more with Haiti or Detroit?

Where does the U.S.'s long-term responsibility lie? This writer says Detroit over Haiti. What do you think? Let us know on our Facebook or Twitter page.


Before we decide it's our responsibility to rebuild all the lost homes in Haiti, let's remember that it's our actual responsibility to make sure our own people have roofs over their heads.

Haiti isn't our problem alone. China and Germany and other economically powerful countries also have a "good neighbor" responsibility to less fortunate nations like Haiti. In fact, Haiti's not really our problem at all.

Our "good neighbor" responsibility today is to our actual neighbors here in America, the mom in Milwaukee, the dad in Detroit, the grandparents in Grand Rapids, and the brothers and sisters in Baltimore and Cincinnati - not the huddled masses of Haiti, horrifying as their situation might be.

Sure, for a few weeks, it makes sense to send American forces into Haiti to help them recover from the initial shock of the crisis. But with two wars already stop-lossing our troops to the breaking point, we can't afford to adopt another country as a matter of national policy.

Read the entire article here.

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